Original Guards are the product we started with more than 12 years ago. These are an open ended spandex padded sleeve that has endless uses. The guard is lightweight, stretchy, flexible, breathable and washable. The padding covers about half the sleeve and is available in two thickness options. Just rotate the sleeve to position the padding exactly where it's needed. Original Guards are also available in multiple sizes, length and colors.
Tube Guards offer a full 360 degrees of padding for those who need all around protection. The tubes can also be cut to whatever length needed. While they provide full 360 degree protection the way they are constructed makes one half of the tube a double layer for an extra thick portion where needed. Tube Guards are lightweight, stretchy, flexible, breathable and washable.
Splint Guards are a unique finger splint product for light sprains, finger straightening and many other uses. They offer a comfortable lightweight easy on and off solution compared with the typical splints on the market. The bottom of the guards consists of a pliable aluminum splint that can be molded to a comfortable position or bend yet strong enough to hold We do no recommend these for broken or severely injured fingers. Splint Guards are lightweight, stretchy, breathable and washable and are available in multiple sizes, lengths and colors.